Mia Moretti's Top Picks from Frieze Los Angeles Viewing Room 2023


The DJ tells us about some of her favourites from Frieze Viewing Room, including a painting by Mika Tajima which seems to defy time and space, and ‘a window soon to be teared down' by Tania Pérez Córdova.


Tania Pérez Córdova
Vista a una ventana que pronto para ser derribada / View to a window soon to be teared down, 2022
Bronze poured into sand
143 cm x 103.5 cm x 2 cm
Presented by Tina Kim Gallery


"The window alone is enough to catch my interest. I’m even more fascinated by how this window is supposedly about to be torn down. It can’t get any better."

February 10, 2023
of 430