1963년 카이로에서 태어난 가다 아메르(Ghada Amer)는 1974년 가족과 함께 프랑스로 이주했다. 1986년 프랑스 니스의 빌라 아르송(Villa Arson)에서 수학할 당시, 특정 회화 수업은 여학생이 수강할 수 없다는 사실을 알고 ‘서구 예술사에서 여성들은 왜, 그리고 어떻게 배제됐는가’에 대한 의문을 품게 되었다. 이것은 아메르 작업에서 중요한 순간이 되었으며, 그는 회화라는 전통적인 역사 내에서 전형적인 여성의 도구라 여겨지는 바느질과 자수기법을 사용하는 등 자신만의 비평적 영역을 만들기 시작한다. 아메르의 작품은 성적 불평등에 대한 단순한 비판에서 나아가 섬세함, 유머, 강렬한 에로티시즘과 같은 대립적인 감정들을 이용하여 관객 각자의 관점과 경험을 심화시킨다. 1999년 작가는 하랄트 제만(Harald Szeemann)의 초청으로 제 48회 베니스비엔날레에 출품하여 유네스코 상을 수상하였고, 1996년부터 뉴욕에서 거주하며 활동을 이어오고 있다.
아메르는 캔버스에 수를 놓은 자수 회화에서부터 정원과 같은 대규모의 식물설치 프로젝트에 이르기까지 다양한 매체의 작업을 발표해왔다. 특히, 대담한 페미니즘적 함축을 묘사하는 작가의 자수 회화는 여성과 여성에 관련된 고정관념, 섹슈얼리티에 대한 주된 관심을 드러낸다. 1993년부터 포르노 잡지에서 발췌한 여성의 이미지를 사용한 회화는, 남성은 에로틱한 시선의 주체이고 여성은 그 대상일 뿐이라는 미학적 전통을 거부한다. “모든 여성은 그들의 몸을 좋아해야 하고 유혹의 도구로 사용해야 한다”고 강조하는 작가는 여성의 신체적 유혹이 금기시되는 일부 페미니즘 이론에도 동의하지 않는다. 2000년 부산비엔날레에 초청된 작가는 <Women’s Qualities>라는 정원 프로젝트를 발표하여 ‘여성들의 갖추어야 할 자질’에 대한 시민들의 대답을 한글 도안 그대로 광장에 심었다. ‘순결한’, ‘흰 피부’, ‘가슴 큰’, ‘순종적인’, ‘덕 있는’ 등으로 이어지는 형용사들은 여성에 대한 당시의 인식을 반영한다. 작가는 2011년 이집트 민주화 혁명 당시, 진압 경찰의 발길질에 쓰러진 한 여성의 파란 브래지어가 드러나는 장면을 목격한 뒤 <Blue Bra Girls> 연작을 발표하기도 했다. 정치와 섹슈얼리티, 신체와 언어의 양면성은, 속을 비워 안과 밖이 서로 관통하는 청동 조각으로 제작되었다. 이는 독재 정권의 억압과 폭력에 당당히 맞서는 저항 정신과 여성의 용기에 대한 아메르의 뜨거운 헌사이다. 여전히 작가에게 가장 생명력이 있는 ‘여성’이라는 주제는 동양과 서양, 언어와 신체, 예술과 공예의 영역에 이르게 되었다. 아메르는 2010년부터 현대미술에서 상대적으로 제외되어 온 세라믹을 사용하였고 그로부터 파생된 조각연구는 2022-2023년에 걸쳐 개최된 마르세이유, 유럽 지중해 문명 박물관(MUCEM, Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean)에서의 회고전 《A Woman's Voice is Revolution》에서 소개된 대규모 청동조각 시리즈로 확장되었다.
아메르의 작품은 요하네스버그비엔날레(1997), 부산비엔날레(2000), 휘트니비엔날레(2000), 《Without Boundary: Seventeen Ways of Looking》(MOMA, 2006), 《Demons, Yarns, and Tales: Tapestry by Contemporary Artists》(The Dairy, 2006), 제3회 모스크바 비엔날레(2009), 《The Divine Comedy: Heaven, Purgatory and Hell Revisited by Contemporary African Artists》(2014-2015) 등의 주요 전시에 초청되었다. 또한 그의 작품은 시카고미술관(The Art Institute of Chicago), 브루클린미술관(Brooklyn Museum), 파리 퐁피두센터(The Centre Pompidou), 멕시코시티 후멕스박물관(Museo Jumex), 구겐하임 아부다비(Guggenheim Abu Dhabi), 리움미술관 등에 소장되어 있다.
Ghada Amer
Paravent Girls 26 October - 9 December 2023 -
Ghada Amer
MUCEM 2 December 2022 - 16 April 2023Tina Kim Gallery congratulates Ghada Amer on her retrospective, opening Friday, December 2. Organized by the Mucem, in partnership with the Museums of Marseille-Centre de la Vieille Charité and the...Learn More -
Paravent Girls
Ghada Amer 30 August - 15 September 2022 -
The Cumulative Effect
A group show featuring Andrew Kreps, Bortolami, and Tina Kim Gallery curated by John Yau 30 August - 15 September 2022 -
Art Without Borders
30 November 2020 - 30 January 2021 -
I Am: Contemporary African Women Artists
National Museum of African Art - Smithsonian Institution 2 July 2020The Blue Bra Girls takes its name from the 2011 Reuters photograph of a veiled young woman whose blue bra was exposed as she was dragged and beaten during protests...Learn More -
Tina Kim Gallery Presents: Art Without Borders
During this campaign, Tina Kim Gallery will donate 100% of net proceeds from the sale of limited edition collectible tea towels to support Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)’s COVID-19 response. 4 May - 30 June 2020 -
Ghada Amer: "Hoy el 70% de los pobres en el mundo son mujeres"
Museo de Arte de Zapopan, Guadalajara, Mexico 1 February - 31 May 2020In social terms, gender inequality translates into a devaluation of the productive force of work performed by women. Low wages, unpaid work, and undervalued contributions are the reasons why there...Learn More -
For Mario
27 June - 23 August 2019 -
Ceramics, Knots, Thoughts, Scraps
Dallas Contemporary 30 September - 17 December 2018Ghada Amer is featured in a solo exhibition titled Ceramics, Knots, Thoughts, Scraps at Texas Dallas Contemporary through December 17, 2018. This is Amer’s first exhibition dedicated to ceramics. Known...Learn More -
Ghada Amer: Dark Continent
Centre de Création Contemporaine Olivier Debré, Tours, France 2 June - 4 November 2018The artist was born in Cairo (Egypt) in 1963; she then moved to France at the age of 11. She studied arts at the Villa Arson in Nice, and the...Learn More -
Ghada Amer: Love Has No End
The Brooklyn Museum 16 February - 19 October 2008Ghada Amer: Love Has No End , the first U.S. survey of the renowned artist’s work, features some fifty pieces from every aspect of Amer’s career as a painter, sculptor,...Learn More
Paravent Girls
Exhibition Video December 1, 2023 -
Ghada Amer: Paravent Girls
Interviews October 20, 2023 -
Ghada Amer
Exhibition Video | Chapel of the Vieille Charité April 5, 2023 -
Lady Dior: Ghada Amer
Interviews | The 7th edition of Dior Lady Art December 2, 2022 -
Ghada Amer: The Words I Love the Most
Exhibition Walkthrough Video | Guggenheim Abu Dhabi: Spotlight Series June 7, 2021 -
In the Studio with Ghada Amer
Interviews January 27, 2021 -
In the Studio with Ghada Amer
Interviews | Phillips Auction House October 3, 2020
A Major New Show Traces 200 Years of Black Artists' Synergistic Relationship With Ancient Egypt
artnet November 21, 2024In the foyer of the Met’s second-floor gallery, Cleopatra’s Chair sits empty, beckoning. This throne, constructed by legendary sculptor Barbara Chase-Riboud, is a remnant of...Learn More -
Art Basel Paris : 5 œuvres d'art monumentales à voir gratuitement pendant la foire d'art contemporain
Vogue France September 26, 2024Que peut-on attendre du retour d'Art Basel Paris en 2024 ? Beaucoup de choses, à vrai dire. Comme de nombreux évènements, celle-ci célébrera sa prochaine...Learn More -
Inside Frieze Los Angeles, California's Hottest Art Fair
Maxim March 1, 2024Pioneering powerbroker Tina Kim is sharing an extensive array of works from her notably intellectual roster all weekend. Disparate artistic approaches harmonize on the common...Learn More -
Why Folding Screens Are Popping Up in Contemporary Artists’ Work
Artsy December 7, 2023Ghada Amer never intended to make folding screens for “Paravent Girls ,” her show on view at New York’s Tina Kim Gallery through December 9th....Learn More -
Ghada Amer Refigures the Othered Woman
Frieze November 27, 2023At Tina Kim, New York, the artist welds together the pursuit of liberation in the symbolic, psychic and lived realms. In the aftermath of the...Learn More -
Ghada Amer: Multidisciplinary Artist Longterm Resident
Arts Council of Princeton November 17, 2023We proudly announce artist Ghada Amer as a long-term Artist-in-Residence, working in the studio spaces at the Arts Council to produce a new body of...Learn More -
Another Revolutionary Woman: Ghada Amer’s Paravent Girls
OCULA November 9, 2023Amer has a longstanding method of appropriating images of women from porn magazines, presenting them in ceramics, embroidered paintings, and later bronzes. The 'Paravent Girls'...Learn More -
Channeling Her Anger, Ghada Amer Looks to the Future
The New York Times August 31, 2023The artist Ghada Amer , whose works will be on view at Frieze Seoul next week in the booth of Tina Kim Gallery , is...Learn More -
In Marseille, a vast retrospective celebrates the feminism of Ghada Amer
Africanews December 7, 2022Female nudes, coloured threads;the first retrospective in France of the Egyptian-Franco-American artist Ghada Amer unfolds in three Marseilles venues. From embroidery to sculpture, different forms...Learn More -
A Guide to Arts and Culture this December
ArtReview December 7, 2022From queering Bollywood film-posters and colour-field embroidery to ‘living pictures’ and the Kochi-Muziris Biennale – our editors on what they’re looking forward to this month....Learn More -
Ghada Amer: Fighting for equal rights one stitch at a time
Art Basel November 7, 2022‘A Woman’s Voice Is Revolution.’ So proclaims Ghada Amer’s latest garden work, installed in September outside the Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean...Learn More -
What’s Showing in Seoul, September 2022
ArtAsiaPacific August 31, 2022Contemporary art’s global K-boom is circling back to Seoul starting this month. The big K-motion is being stirred by the arrival of Frieze Seoul ,...Learn More -
Frieze Debuts in Seoul, With Big-Name Galleries and a Hometown Spectacle
The New York Times August 30, 2022High-end art fairs have been giving themselves global brand extensions for years, and the latest one, Frieze Seoul, is among the more ambitious. Frieze —...Learn More -
7 Must-See Shows during Frieze Seoul
Artsy August 25, 2022A new series of Ghada Amer’s darkly explicit female figures will debut at Tina Kim Gallery’s pop-up space at the Songwon Art Center. Made in...Learn More -
Ghada Amer: How Egyptian artist Ghada Amer has weaved an expression of feminism into her paintings
Arts & Culture April 1, 2021By Nadine Khalil In Ghada Amer’s paintings, threads behave like coloured rivers, abstraction obscures figuration and unknown women proliferate. However, for the first time, familiar...Learn More -
Ghada Amer
Art in America September 1, 2018Over the last twenty-five years, Ghada Amer has developed a body of work centered on installations and embroidered paintings exploring women’s self-determination and sexual independence....Learn More -
Ghada Amer: Love Has No End
The Brooklyn Rail September 1, 2008Ghada Amer is best known for works that at first glance seem to be Abstract Expressionist paintings but are actually pornographic images of women embroidered...Learn More -
Veiled or Naked: Scrutinizing Women’s Roles
The New York Times June 20, 2008Lost in the festival of branding that is the Brooklyn Museum’s “©Murakami” exhibition, a retrospective of Ghada Amer opened quietly at the museum in February....Learn More