임민욱(b. 1968)은 1990년대 말, 한국 미술 현장이 동시대성을 획득해 나가던 전환기에 데뷔한 ‘허리 세대’의 대표적인 작가 중 한 명이다. 장소 특정적 퍼포먼스와 영상 설치, 오브제를 활용한 다면적 설치, 드로잉과 글을 포함한 다양한 범위의 장르에 도전해 왔다. 특히 임민욱의 작업은 방송 장비나 운송 수단, 유기물 등의 재료를 다루면서 장르적 구속과 규정을 벗어나려는 수행적 형식을 보여준다. 근대성과 정체성에 대한 질문, 공동체와 기억의 문제, 시간과 공간으로 은폐되었던 장소에 대한 사유와 더불어 이분법적 사고의 구조를 돌파하고 위기에 놓인 관계들을 미완의 구조로 살려내는 형식을 모색한다.
임민욱은 근대성에 대한 끊임없는 의구심을 드러낸다. 작가는 누락의 역사를 비판하기 위한 새로운 방법, 질문을 던지는 방법으로서의 미학 실천을 찾아야만 한다고 역설한다. 역사와 환경으로부터 파생된 시간의 조각들을 비선형적으로 탐문하는 작가는 거대한 망각의 질서에서 나타나는 징후를 재조명한다. 그 예로, 2014년 《광주비엔날레》 개막식에서 선보인 그의 대표작 〈내비게이션 ID〉(2014)는 1950년 대한민국의 초대 대통령 이승만 정권하에서 벌어진 1950년 경산 코발트 광산 사건 및 진주 민간인 학살 사건 피해자들의 유해를 호송하고 추모하는 과정을 보여주는 퍼포먼스였다. 비-고정적이며 연약한 형태의 조각, 흘러가고 사라지는 사운드, 사실과 허구를 점프 컷으로 배열하는 비디오와 사람들의 신체와 증언하는 목소리의 집합으로 완성되는 퍼포먼스, 그리고 각 매체가 상호 교차하여 서로를 번역하는 작업에 이르기까지, 임민욱의 미디어는 ‘감각의 재조정’을 통해 역사의 감추어진 목소리와 형상을 대변한다. 이러한 작업의 특징에 대해 문화이론가 김남시는 시공간을 초월해 메시지를 전달하는 천사라는 영매를 바탕으로 ‘흐르고 사라지며 보이지 않는’ 상태를 통해 ‘사라진 것, 비가시적인 것을 추적’하고자 ‘미디어’를 사용한 것으로 독해한 바 있다. 작가의 작업은 컨테이너 등의 운송수단, 방송 아카이브/보도 장비, 열화상 카메라에 이르기까지 이동과 전환을 위한 다양한 기제들을 포함하면서 역사라는 정체(성)의 탈영토화를 시도한다.
주요 개인전으로는 《Fossil of High Noon(정오의 화석)》(티나킴 갤러리, 2022), 《만일(萬一)의 약속》(삼성미술관 플라토, 2015), 《United Paradox》(Portikus Frankfurt, 2015), 《Heat of Shadow》(Walker Art Center, 2012), 《점프 컷》 (아트선재센터, 2008) 등이 있다. 그 외에도 《2021 타이틀 매치 임민욱 vs. 장영규》 (서울시립 북서울미술관, 2021), 《2021 광주비엔날레 GB커미션》(2021), 《내 나니 여자라》(수원시립미술관, 2020), 그리고 이스탄불 비엔날레, 리버풀 비엔날레, 시드니 비엔날레, 타이베이 비엔날레, 리옹비엔날레, 부산 비엔날레, 광주비엔날레 등 글로벌 미술현장에서 초청되었다. 작가의 작업은 국립현대미술관, 서울시립미술관, 경기도미술관, 수원시립미술관을 비롯한 국내 주요 미술관에 소장되었으며 뉴욕 구겐하임 미술관(Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum ), 런던 테이트 모던(Tate Modern), 로스앤젤레스 카운티 미술관(Los Angeles County Museum of Art), 미니애폴리스 워커아트센터(Walker Art Center), 파리 퐁피두센터(The Centre Pompidou), 뉴욕 아시아 아트 아카이브(Asia Art Archive in America)등 해외 주요 기관에 작품이 소장되었다.
Minouk Lim Hyper Yellow
Ilmin Museum of Art 28 February - 20 April 2025For the first time in a decade, a solo exhibition by Minouk Lim hosted by an art museum in Korea. The exhibition begins with a fictional map of the Yellow...Learn More -
Minouk Lim: Hyper Yellow
Obayashi Foundation 1 - 12 March 2024The Obayashi Foundation is pleased to announce the details of the project of Minouk Lim, the 4th grant recipient of 'Visions of the City,' a biennial grant program that has...Learn More -
The Cumulative Effect
A group show featuring Andrew Kreps, Bortolami, and Tina Kim Gallery curated by John Yau 30 August - 15 September 2022 -
Minouk Lim
Fossil of High Noon 19 May - 1 July 2022 -
Night Shift: 2021 Title Match: Minouk Lim vs. Young-gyu Jang
SeMA 13 October 2021Night Shift: 2021 Title Match: Minouk Lim vs. Young-gyu Jang is a joint exhibition that is organized by the Buk-Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) every year. The exhibition aims to...Learn More -
Real DMZ Project
Minouk Lim 7 April - 1 May 2021“DMZ does not allow us to capture or record it. However, there is a light and a song seen and heard only in the night created by DMZ Portable Keepers...Learn More -
We Do Not Dream Alone
Asia Society Triennial 2020, New York 27 October 2020 - 27 June 2021This first edition of the Asia Society Triennial , titled We Do Not Dream Alone , is composed of a multi-venue exhibition, interdisciplinary panels, forums, and performances taking place at...Learn More -
Born, A Woman
Suwon Museum of Art, Korea 9 August - 29 November 2020Born, A Woman , at the Suwon Museum of Art aims to examine how contemporary women understand themselves through and against such historical burdens to expand their roles and significance....Learn More -
Minouk Lim
MMCA Film & Video at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul 13 - 23 June 2018Not a huge gesture of resistance, but a desire to express the determination to refuse any blind obedience to convention often provides a motivation for works exploring and experimenting with...Learn More -
Minouk Lim
Mamour 2 November - 22 December 2017 -
Happy Together
Group Exhibition 15 May - 3 July 2015
The Best Booths at Frieze Seoul, From a Christ-Like Justin Bieber to a Metaphor for Fair Fatigue
ARTnews September 4, 2024In the press, there’s always a lot of ink spilled over a fair’s inaugural edition: Will it make the big splash it needs to in...Learn More -
Minouk Lim: "I focus on the ritualistic aspect of making"
The Art Newspaper June 19, 2024Research and process are at the core of Minouk Lim’s multidisciplinary practice. Her works cover a range of subjects and geographies, but all bring to...Learn More -
Tina Kim Illuminates the 6 Best of Basel in June
Whitewall June 14, 2024The illustrious Tina Kim founded her namesake gallery in 2001 in New York, and ever since then has been a guiding light in the international...Learn More -
Artist Talk: Minouk Lim
Asia Society Museum May 10, 2024Multimedia artist and 2024 Asia Arts Game Changer Awardee Minouk Lim discusses the evolution of her artistic practice over the last twenty years. She is...Learn More -
2024 Asia Arts Game Changer Awards
Asia Society April 2, 20242024 Asia Arts Game Changer Awards Honorees Woman artists and designers, including Rina Banerjee , Minouk Lim , Maya Lin , Toshiko Mori, and Anicka...Learn More -
The fourth grant recipient is Minouk Lim
Obayashi Foundation April 20, 2023The Obayashi Foundation has selected the Korea-based artist Minouk Lim as the forth recipient of the “Visions of the City - Obayashi Foundation Research Program”...Learn More -
Frieze Debuts in Seoul, With Big-Name Galleries and a Hometown Spectacle
The New York Times August 30, 2022High-end art fairs have been giving themselves global brand extensions for years, and the latest one, Frieze Seoul, is among the more ambitious. Frieze —...Learn More -
What to See in N.Y.C. Galleries Right Now
The New York Times June 16, 2022What to See in N.Y.C. Galleries Right Now Minouk Lim: Fossil of High Moon The marks we leave on the world and the forces of...Learn More -
Stories That Need to Be Told | Minouk Lim
Hyperallergic May 26, 2022Minouk Lim, a video and multimedia artist, has had museum exhibitions throughout Asia and Europe. A decade ago, the Walker Art Center held the in-depth...Learn More -
Minouk Lim: Gwangju Biennale - GB Commission & MaytoDay: Projects by the Gwangju Biennale Foundation
e-flux April 16, 2021Founded to commemorate the Gwangju Democratization Movement of 1980 and its lasting cultural influence, the Gwangju Biennale has established itself as one of the world’s...Learn More -
Minouk Lim | 13th Gwangju Biennale April 1–May 9, 2021
e-flux February 15, 2021The Gwangju Biennale Foundation is proud to announce details of the GB Commission and Pavilion Projects, two international programmes which were launched in 2018 to...Learn More -
An Expansive View of Asian Identity at the Asia Society Triennial
Hyperallergic January 13, 2021Minouk Lim’s “It’s A Name I Give Myself” (2018) probes the scars of war via a compilation of video excerpts featuring individuals separated from their...Learn More -
A Festival of New Asian Art, Seeking a Direction
The New York Times November 18, 2020There are, still and all, high points. New Yorkers have had few opportunities before to discover the work of Minouk Lim, one of the most...Learn More -
At Asia Society’s Inaugural Triennial, Artists Consider the Role of Borders in a Global Society
Artsy November 11, 2020Korean artist Minouk Lim’s installation, which homes in on the function and consequences of national borders, is arguably the strongest presentation in the triennial. It’s...Learn More -
10 Korean Artists Who Are Shaping Contemporary Art
Artsy July 8, 2020Featuring Park Chan-Kyong, Minouk Lim, and Suki Seokyeong KangLearn More -
A Full View, at Last, of Modern Art in South Korea
The New York Times June 25, 2020Many rich nations use art, music and movies to project an image to the world, but few take it as seriously as South Korea —...Learn More -
8 Fascinating Finds from the FOG Design+Art Fair in San Francisco
Galerie Magazine January 15, 2020The booming tech industry has yielded a crop of new collectors who favor younger new-media artists, as well as those bridging utilitarian design with sculptural...Learn More -
The 10 Best Booths at Art Basel in Miami Beach
Artsy December 5, 2019For her first-ever solo presentation at Art Basel in Miami Beach, Tina Kim selected a handful of Dansekhwa (Korean minimalist) works in addition to stranger,...Learn More -
Purvis Young, Loie Hollowell, Kim Tschang-Yeul, and other Favorites from Art Basel Miami Beach 2019
Whitewall Magazine December 4, 2019Art Basel Miami Beach held its VIP preview and vernissage Wednesday, and as usual the Miami Beach Convention Center was buzzing with collectors, artists, curators,...Learn More -
Aichi Triennale Artist Minouk Lim Speaks Out on Art World Censorship and How the Exhibition Could Be ‘Reborn’
ARTNews October 15, 2019Minouk Lim is a Seoul-based artist whose multimedia work looks at the various ways people can be marginalized, particularly by systems of government and various...Learn More -
ART iT October 1, 2019The following text is based on an interview that was conducted in English with Lim in Busan in September 2018 on the occasion of her...Learn More -
Biennale de Lyon Reveals Artist List for 2019 Edition
Artforum June 26, 2019The fifteenth edition of the Biennale de Lyon, which will take place from September 18 to January 5, 2020, has named the artists participating in...Learn More -
Minouk Lim on her Grandmother’s Missing Funeral Shroud
Frieze February 5, 2019By Minouk Lim A disappearance from 2015 obsesses me. It concerns a shroud that was supposed to embrace my grandmother for 100 years of solitude,...Learn More -
A conversation with Minouk Lim
OCULA January 26, 2018An artist of many forms, Minouk Lim creates works that move between and across the boundaries of different genres and media—including music, video, installation, writing...Learn More -
Brooklyn Rail December 13, 2017By Osman Can Yerebakan Minouk Lim’s first solo exhibition in New York introduces the South Korean artist’s equally haunting and inquisitive practice with three bodies...Learn More