다비데 발리아노(Davide Balliano, b. 1983)의 작업은 회화와 조각 사이를 섬세하게 가로지른다. 엄격하다고 할 수 있을 만큼 미니멀한 기하적 요소를 활용하는 발리아노의 작품은 건축과 밀접한 관계를 맺는 한편, 기술 시대의 숭고미나 인간의 정체성과 같은 실존적인 주제를 탐구한다. 수도자같이 간결하면서도 구체적인 형태로 특징지어지는 발리아노의 회화는 언뜻 보기에 어떠한 결함이나 흠도 없는 것처럼 보인다. 그러나 가까이 살펴보면, 반복과 배열의 엄격한 통제와 일련의 제한 위에도 여러 층의 페인트가 스치고 긁힌 자연스러운 자국을 볼수 있다. 부드럽게 흘러내리는 물감과 목재의 긁힌 표면은 미니멀리즘의 ‘사물성’이 거부한 유기적인 흔적을 그대로 남겨둔다. 발리아노는 회화에서 나타나는 시각적인 언어를 세라믹이나 목재 또는 석재 등의 입체적 물체로 번역한 조각으로도 잘 알려져 있다. 사진으로 활동을 시작한 발리아노는 2006년 뉴욕으로 이주하면서 회화와 조각 위주의 작업으로 전향했다. 현재 그는 뉴욕에 거주하며 작품 활동을 이어가고 있다.
발리아노의 최근 개인전은 뉴욕 티나킴 갤러리(2021, 2019, 2017), 피렌체 노베첸토 미술관(Museo Novecento, 2019), 카탄차로 말카 미술관(Museum MARCA, 2018), 뉴욕 보테가베네타 맨션(Bottega Veneta Maison, 2018), 뉴욕 39 Great Jones, 토리노 루체 갤러리(Luce Gallery, 2017, 2015), 런던 티모시 테일러 갤러리(Timothy Taylor Gallery, 2015) 등에서 개최되었다. 작가는 티나킴 갤러리(2020, 2019), 뉴욕 데이비드즈워너 갤러리(David Zwirner Gallery, 2015), 뉴욕 션켈리 갤러리(Sean Kelly Gallery, 2014, 2010), 나폴리 마드레 미술관(Madre Museum, 2015, 2012) 등에서 열린 단체전에도 다수 참가했다.
Davide Balliano
Event Horizon 7 September - 7 October 2023 -
The Cumulative Effect
A group show featuring Andrew Kreps, Bortolami, and Tina Kim Gallery curated by John Yau 30 August - 15 September 2022 -
Davide Balliano
Exhibition design and curation by Charlap Hyman & Herrero 6 March - 17 April 2021 -
Art Without Borders
30 November 2020 - 30 January 2021 -
Magazzino Italian Art 9 July - 7 September 2020From July 9 through September 7, 2020, Magazzino presents Homemade , a special exhibition of new work created by eight New York-based Italian artists—including Alessandro Teoldi, Andrea Mastrovito, Beatrice Scaccia,...Learn More -
Tina Kim Gallery Presents: Art Without Borders
During this campaign, Tina Kim Gallery will donate 100% of net proceeds from the sale of limited edition collectible tea towels to support Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)’s COVID-19 response. 4 May - 30 June 2020 -
For Mario
27 June - 23 August 2019 -
Davide Balliano: L’Attesa
Museo Novecento, Florence 7 June - 12 September 2019In the Duel exhibition series in Florence’s Museo Novecento, guest curators are invited to work with internationally recognised artists to create site-specific works inspired by the museum’s collection. The title...Learn More -
Davide Balliano
28 February - 13 April 2019 -
Davide Balliano: Building Body
MARCA, Museo delle Arti Catanzaro 15 September - 11 November 2018From Press Release: The MARCA, Museo delle Arti Catanzaro, is proud to announce Building Body, the first Italian museum solo exhibition by Davide Balliano. In conjunction with the opening (September...Learn More -
Davide Balliano
Solo Exhibition 26 January - 24 February 2017
At Davide Balliano's 'Event Horizon,' System Error is The Point
Brooklyn Magazine October 3, 2023“Event Horizon ,” the latest solo show by Brooklyn-based artist Davide Balliano at Tina Kim Gallery in Chelsea, gets its name from the surface of...Learn More -
What’s on Our Cultural Calendar This Fall
Elle Decor October 3, 2023“Event Horizon” by Davide Balliano at Tina Kim Gallery New York City Control is the word that comes most readily to mind upon entering the...Learn More -
10 Standout Gallery Exhibitions to See during Armory Week 2023
Artsy September 4, 2023With sculptures and textured paintings made of plaster, gesso, and varnish, Davide Balliano explores the boundaries of perception. “Event Horizon” features new marble works that...Learn More -
Los Angeles Frieze Out: Brooklyn Artists Descend on Cali
Brooklyn Magazine February 17, 2023Watch out, West Coast. London-based Frieze Art Fair has officially landed where the grass is always greener, and Brooklyn artists are exhibiting in droves among...Learn More -
What’s Showing in Seoul, September 2022
ArtAsiaPacific August 31, 2022Contemporary art’s global K-boom is circling back to Seoul starting this month. The big K-motion is being stirred by the arrival of Frieze Seoul ,...Learn More -
Frieze Debuts in Seoul, With Big-Name Galleries and a Hometown Spectacle
The New York Times August 30, 2022High-end art fairs have been giving themselves global brand extensions for years, and the latest one, Frieze Seoul, is among the more ambitious. Frieze —...Learn More -
Artists We Should Remember in 2021: Davide Balliano
Luxury Magazine February 25, 20212021년 우리가 기억해야 할 아티스트 시대에 대한 이해와 감성의 자극, 시각적 충격과 깊은 사유에 이르기까지, 훌륭한 예술 작품의 감상은 누구에게나 깊고 넓은 문화적 경험을 선사한다....Learn More -
Purvis Young, Loie Hollowell, Kim Tschang-Yeul, and other Favorites from Art Basel Miami Beach 2019
Whitewall Magazine December 4, 2019Art Basel Miami Beach held its VIP preview and vernissage Wednesday, and as usual the Miami Beach Convention Center was buzzing with collectors, artists, curators,...Learn More -
In Florence, Davide Balliano strikes up a dialogue with sculptor Arturo Martini
Wallpaper August 6, 2019By Osman Can Yerebakan Located in the heart of Florence, Museo Novecento occupies a former nunnery, a past traceable in the modern art museum’s architectural...Learn More -
Davide Balliano’s Mystical Geometrics at Tina Kim Gallery
Blouin Artinfo February 10, 2017By Nicholas Forrest New York’s Tina Kim Gallery is currently showing presenting its first exhibition of Davide Balliano until February 24. The New York-based Italian...Learn More -
The Questionnaire with the Italian Artist Based in New York Davide Balliano
Fruit of The Forest February 1, 2017By Federica Tattoli We talk with Davide Balliano (Turin, 1983, lives and works in New York) about his first solo show at Tina Kim Gallery...Learn More -
Davide Balliano: A Contemplation of Minimalist Forms
i Italy January 30, 2017By Joelle Grosso Talented young artist Davide Balliano is currently making waves in the art world and has a number of shows coming up in...Learn More -
Davide Balliano: 26 Jan — 24 Feb 2017 at Tina Kim Gallery in New York, United States
Wall Street International January 19, 2017Tina Kim Gallery is delighted to present an exhibition of new works by New York-based Italian artist Davide Balliano. For the artist’s first show at...Learn More -
Davide Balliano's New Works at Tina Kim Gallery
ARTINFO January 16, 2017Tina Kim Gallery will be hosting an exhibition of the new works of Davide Balliano (Born: Turin, 1983) from January 26 to February 24, 2017....Learn More -
Davide Balliano at Tina Kim Gallery
Cura Magazine February 23, 2016Tina Kim Gallery is delighted to present an exhibition of new works by New York-based Italian artist Davide Balliano. For the artist’s first show at...Learn More